But there were actually two other versions of the Flash
available around the same time – Black Flash (which was ridiculously hard to
find) and the Reverse-Flash (who wasn’t much easier to find, either). I didn’t
pick him up at the time as I was busy buying characters like Martian Manhunter
and Hawkman, with the aim of getting the Justice League going on my work desk.
Yet on a Hobbyco visit just a couple of weeks ago, I found
this guy staring up from the shelves at me. With a hankering to purchase
something that afternoon, I decided that this guy would be a good addition to
my DC shelf.
I’m not well-versed in the Flash’s extensive lore, so I’m
not super familiar with Reverse-Flash. I do know that he’s one of the Flash’s
main villains, and that a few different people have taken up the mantle over
the years. One of those incarnations sometimes calls himself Professor Zoom.
Lately he’s gained a boost in popularity by being featured on the new(ish) TV
series based around the Flash, portrayed by Tom Cavanagh, playing against type as a
villain. Wow, everything you need to
know, huh? For more detailed information I suggest this page.

There is a Reverse-Flash based on the TV series which seems
pretty easy to come by at the moment, and looks pretty cool. However, this
particular version still seems to remain elusive. I don’t know what the
situation is with him being released or re-released, but the one I picked up
was the only one they had in-store – and I haven’t seen him elsewhere since. There is a glow in
the dark version too, but he’s not readily available. He was some kind of
convention exclusive a few years ago and will cost you a pretty penny if you
can track him down. I would love one, but am not really willing to part with the $$$ necessary for it.
Overall? Fun, but not
essential unless you are a die-hard fan of the character. Flash is undergoing a
real resurgence in popularity of late thanks to the prominent role he played in
the Flashpoint crossover event and
the TV series, which I think is a good thing. He’s always been a little
under-appreciated and it’s nice to see him finally getting some of the love he