Year: 2016
Company: Funko
I loved Mighty
Morphin’ Power Rangers as a kid. Or more accurately, I loved the concept
and the toys – prehistoric creatures, martial arts and transforming robots made
for a heady brew. And Tommy Oliver, aka the Green Ranger, was unquestionably
the best element of the show.
Initially introduced as a villain, he pretty quickly became
one of the good guys, bringing with him a sweet green outfit, the amazing
Dragonzord, and a much better attitude than Jason the Red Ranger. And of
course, Tommy went on to date Kimberley the Pink Ranger (cue joke: something something Twilight something
better love story something). Poor Jason – ostensibly the team leader, he
was demoted from fan-favourite overnight, and was never really able to reclaim
his status.
These days, the actor who played him – Jason David Frank – is
still a pretty cool guy. He’s still a martial artist (even having a brief foray
into professional MMA), and covered in tattoos – though the long hair is
long gone. He’s also got his own MMA clothing line (Jesus Didn’t Tap). I think
he still does the odd bit of acting, but he seems to mostly be working the convention
circuit and doing Power Rangers-related projects. You can find him on Facebook
and Instagram, and man does he show a lot of love for his fans – it’s quite
Now three Power Rangers POPs were originally released back
in 2013 – White, Red and Pink – and it’s only just now that we’re seeing the
rest of the team make their debut. Those original three now sell for an
outrageous amount of money online, and when this new wave was announced,
Funko’s Facebook post went berserk with commenters demanding either that the
originals be un-vaulted so that newer collectors could complete the team, and older
hands demanding that they stay vaulted, so the value of their figures would be
I’m kind of ambivalent myself; I would like a White Ranger without having to pay hundreds of dollars
for one, but I was always a Green Ranger guy anyway – and I don’t plan to
complete the team, this is likely to be my only purchase from the line. But I would like to see a 6” Dragonzord. It
could battle with my Godzilla. Or Thanos, I guess.
The sculpt is quite good, capturing all of the essential
details the figure should have – the dragon helmet and golden chestplate – even
the Dragon dagger has made an appearance, stashed safely on his belt.

In spite of the paint-based shortcomings, I am very happy to add this figure to the shelf.
Though I am not typically an MIB collector, I think this is one POP who will be
staying in his box for display purposes. Well done on finally getting him out
Funko, even if it is a few years later than ideal.