Company: Funko
RRP: $17.95AUD
Dracula was a huge
hit when it was first released, and over the following decades all manner of
tie in products were released to capitalise on the novel’s success. But as
I’ve mentioned before, not all of them were authorised. Yes, Nosferatu here
started life as nothing more than an unauthorised cash-in – Bram Stoker’s
estate didn’t care to give the filmmakers the cinematic rights to the novel,
but they just went ahead and changed a few details, hoping no-one would notice
the similarities. That didn’t work out so well for them.
But unlike modern equivalents such as Transmorphers, Nosferatu
stands on its own as a substantial work. The make-up effects are impressively
executed and the mood is always creepy. It’s been a few years since I watched
it, but the sight of Count Orlok’s shadow moving up the stairs still unnerves to this day.

So, how does this borderline-bootleg POP stack up? He’s got
a sharp sculpt, which captures the main details and renders them in
sufficiently cutesy style. Initially I thought that his forehead wasn’t quite
bulky enough, but it is actually correct to the 1922 version. I was mixed up
with the 1979 remake, which featured Klaus Kinski as the titular monster – a man whose brow made Frankenstein’s Monster’s look small by comparison.
His claws are sculpted in the famous shadow lurker pose from
the film – so given the right lighting conditions, I daresay you could
replicate the famous pose reasonably well.
Paint is surprisingly cleanly executed. You'll want to check the hands and eyes carefully (the hands seems to be cast in grey or black and painted in the corpse-y skintone), but it's impressive work from the House of Funko.
The only real letdown (and I hesitate to use that word) is
the box. It’s not bad, but it feels like a bit of a missed opportunity. The
copy on the back of the box is vague, not really giving any indication of the Nosferatu backstory, perhaps due to its contentious origins. The original
film has long been in the public domain, as has Dracula, but I suppose it’s best to avoid any potential legal hot
water where one can.
Nosferatu is a great addition to my POP horror collection,
sitting nicely with the Universal Monsters. At the moment, I believe this is
the only version of him available – but as with pretty much every horror POP
that comes up, I hold out hope for a glow in the dark version. Though a B &
W one would be good too!
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