As I said in my last review, I don’t really collect video game-based POPs…yet here I am reviewing my second one in just over a week! But the Resident Evil figures definitely fall under my guidelines for horror, and hopefully by purchasing them it will also encourage Funko to finally make a Silent Hill line too. So today we take a closer look at the Tyrant, one of two 6” figures in the line.
The Resident Evil games have always been good at providing the player with novel and freakish takes on zombies, and the Tyrant is no exception. His ghostly white skin, exposed internal organs and gigantic claw are quite a few steps removed from the Night of the Living Dead, but there’s no doubt that this is some kind of undead monster.
There are actually multiple different Tyrants throughout the game series, but this one seems to be based on the T-002 Model, which appears in the original Resident Evil game. It’s been a very long time since I played it, so I have to say I don’t remember it specifically – though it’s easy enough to find screencaps online of course.
POPs are never really built to scale, but making this guy a 6” figure is a lot more “accurate” that plenty of others that we’ve seen in the line. He’s probably a little too big in comparison to Nemesis, but he looks about right next to the average human character. Tyrants are big, terrifying bastards after all, and this guy delivers that scare factor it in spades.
Funko have done an excellent likeness here, bringing in considerable detail but never departing too wildly from the simplistic aesthetic. It’s really quite disgusting, with numerous family members commenting on its unsettling look. And even better, this guy glows in the dark, allowing him to be unsettling by night too!
My main criticism (and boy, have we heard this one before) is that the paint job could be a little tighter. Certainly the paint job is more complex than lots of other POPs, which elevates it above many of its contemporaries – look at the shading on the claws for instance – but it’s still quite fuzzy in parts, especially on the bright red veins.
Still, it’s clear that Funko has put a lot of effort not only into this POP, but the entire line. Capcom has no doubt held them to a fairly high standard, and when taken as a whole I’d say that I feel they’ve delivered a strong final product. An essential buy for Resident Evil fans and a great addition to the shelf for any horror fans.
Monday, 26 June 2017
Saturday, 17 June 2017
POP! Games – Vivec (Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind)
Ah, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. I couldn’t
even tell you how many hours I put into it back in my sharehousing days. It was
an easy way to spend a lot of time without spending a lot of money, and that
was very important to me back in those days. It had major flaws (the journal
system, the repetitive soundtrack, the overly specific skill trees), but it was
my first real introduction to RPG games beyond pen and paper ones, and I will
always have a great love for it.

By and
large, I don’t collect gaming-based POPs. I’ve owned a few over the years, but
I’ve pretty much sold or given away all of them by now. Vivec is an exception,
due to my fondness for the license and his glowing nature. He’s not essential
unless you’re an Elder Scrolls obsessive,
but I think he looks great on the shelf nonetheless.
*The upcoming
Dwarven (or Dwemer if we’re being anal) Colossus looks great in illustration
form too, but we’re yet to see any “real” pics as yet.
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
POP! Marvel: Captain Marvel (Masked)
In spite of
sharing a name with the company the character is from, Captain Marvel has
actually been fairly C-list until the last couple of years. The original
iteration of the character was probably most notable as being a superhero who died
and actually stayed dead for more than 5 minutes. But thanks to Ms Marvel
taking up the title in the comics a few years ago and a Brie Larson-led film on
the way in 2019, Captain Marvel’s star is ascendant at the moment. Naturally enough,
this has translated into her getting her own Funko POP.

I actually
picked this figure up late last year, and various things have prevented me from
reviewing it until now – she was actually released part of the same wave as She-Hulk
and Dr
Strange. The basic figure was the unmasked version, while this masked
version was exclusive to GTS Distribution in the USA. Here in Australia it was
just a regular release as far as I could tell; either way, neither version seems
to be selling for crazy money or anything. You should have an easy enough time
tracking one down if you want it.
verdict? I’m pretty neither here nor there on the character at the moment – I’m
not familiar enough with her comics – but it matches the current look nicely
and the mohawk is a cool distinctive feature. Fun, if non-essential to my collection.
Monday, 12 June 2017
POP! Television – Demogorgon (Stranger Things) Chase Version
Back in
February, I had STRANGER
WEEK on here to celebrate the release of the Stranger Things Funko POPs, including the Demogorgon. Well, I
managed to get hold of the Chase version via a trade last week, so tonight we’re
taking a closer look at it.
At the time,
I mentioned that the creature design showed influence from a few different
sources, including H.P. Lovecraft, Silent Hill and H.R. Giger. I specifically mentioned
that it came sans the Freudian
sexuality usually associated with any of these influences. Well, you can retract
that this time, as this Demogorgon
has its face clenched shut…so best to address the elephant in the room. It
straight-up looks like a clenched anus.

As with the original version, the scale
is not quite right. Looking at screencaps, the Demogorgon is substantially
larger than a human, but nowhere near big enough to warrant a 6” POP. They’ve
gone bigger in the past with figures like Cthulhu, but on this occasion I think
the reduced scale still works fine. It’s wildly different in style to the other
figures in the series – which would ordinarily be a criticism, but makes sense
in light of the way the character is depicted on the show.
this figure is a good example of a chase. It adds something cool to the
collection, but it’s not essential to own in order to consider the collection
complete (Eleven’s chase is a bad one for this very reason). Importantly, the
regular one is a better overall figure, so people who miss out on the chase
aren’t really being deprived of anything. This chase is apparently packed at a
1/6 ratio, so it shouldn’t be too hard
to find if you really have to have one, but make sure you don’t pay silly
Friday, 9 June 2017
POP! Movies - Nazgûl (The Lord of the Rings)
I like the Lord of the Rings movies, but I don’t really love them. I’ve seen each of them a few times each, and there’s no
doubt that they demonstrate a level of quality, attention and care that most blockbusters
don’t. But they just never resonated with me in the way that they did for many
of my friends*.
I think there’s a few reasons for this. One is that I was
already a massive fantasy fan via gaming sources such as Warhammer, Dungeons &
Dragons and Terry Pratchett (admittedly all highly influenced by Tolkien in
one form or another) well before the movies were released, so it didn’t really
introduce me to anything I wasn’t already familiar with**.
Of course, plenty of other people who loved them already
loved fantasy too. I think for some fans (though not all) seeing the mainstream
success of Lord of the Rings was
something of a validation of their private interests – which had no doubt been
the target of malicious attention in the past by many of those who now sang the
praises of the films. But how others feel about my interests has never bothered
me all that much, so I guess it didn’t resonate on this front either.
But I did love the books, and by default that’s meant I have
a fondness for certain elements of the movies, and one of them is the Nazgûl. There are nine Ringwraiths in total, but Funko have so
far released only two – this subject of today’s review and the Twilight
Ringwraith. I hope we get the Witch-King of Angmar eventually, but I doubt we’ll
get ever get all nine...though given their similarity in appearance, it might be a little redundant.
You can
read more about their extensive history here, but the tl;dr version is that
they were originally nine humans who swore themselves to Sauron’s service, and
received magic rings from him in return. But swearing yourself to serve evil is
never a good idea, and Sauron’s gifts were poisoned chalices. The Nazgûl were corrupted and turned into shadows of their former selves,
eventually adopting the armoured Grim Reaper look.
As with the
real costume, the character design is fairly basic; textured and tattered black
robe, along with armoured hands and feet. He’s spattered with mud (so I suppose
this is from the scene where they’re pursuing the hobbits in The Fellowship of the Ring) and he’s
also wielding a battered-looking blade. It’s a great translation of real-world
design to POP, mimicking the invisible look of the original via partially hollowed-out
head beneath the cowl. Well done!
My only
real criticism is that unlike most POPs, the head doesn’t actually turn, though
this may be an issue specific to mine. Also, the sword can warp a little in the
package, so keep your eye out when purchasing.
the Nazgûl is an essential buy for Lord of
the Rings fans. It’s been a while since there were any new Lord of the Rings POPs, and with the inclusion
of characters like Saruman and the Balrog, this is a particularly good series.
*Conan the Barbarian
though? That is essential viewing.
**A few years later I’d experience similar things when 28 Days Later was released – a great
film, but not the transformative, this-turned-me-onto-horror
experience that it was for plenty of others.
Saturday, 3 June 2017
POP! Movies – Gizmo (Gremlins)

A couple of months ago I took a look at Stripe, and you’ll
notice that many of the things I say here are copied verbatim – despite their
vastly different looks, they still apply equally.
Gremlins, hey? A movie that, along with Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom,
helped get the entire American movie ratings system adjusted. Why? Well, the
movie’s initial marketing may have *cough*
downplayed *cough* those horror
elements in favour of the film’s cutesy mascot, Gizmo – a face that launched at
least a thousand plush toys. And more
than 30 years on, Gremlins merch still
relies heavily on the little guy’s presence. So when Funko was in the early
days of their POP! Movies line, it’s no surprise that they decided to make Gizmo
along with Stripe.
Odd fact:
Gizmo’s voice was provided by Howie Mandel. Not terribly well-known in
Australia, he’s quite famous as an actor and as the host of Deal or No Deal in the USA – and also
for his crippling mysophobia. The poor guy can’t shake hands with anyone, which
must make day-today life a nightmare.

There is
another version of Gizmo, though unlike most of his horror POP companions it’s
not a glow one – rather, it’s flocked. It was released in 2011 as an SDCC
exclusive, with an edition size of 480. Good luck tracking one of those down!
Even for a
relative newbie to the franchise like myself, Gizmo here is a fun figure, and it’s a bit of
a shame that we never got more characters beyond him and Stripe in POP form.
The first film alone has so many cool character designs, to say nothing of the
second. That said, Gremlins 3 is
allegedly in development at the moment, so we may yet see more of them hit the
shelves in the future.
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