Series: Arkham
Company: DC
CollectiblesScale: 7”
Year: 2013
The Background
Batman: Arkham Origins
was probably my most anticipated game of 2013. When it finally landed, I had a
lot of fun playing it, but I was very disappointed with the storyline, and I
traded it in right after I finished the main game.
The new packaging for Arkham Origins deviates significantly
from the cowl-shaped clamshell that marked Asylum and City. Now it’s more like a rectangular NECA
clamshell, but with the Arkham Origins logo flaring out at the top. But clamshell
haters need not panic – some of the back has been pre-perforated, allowing you
to tear it open with relative ease (just keep a pair of scissors handy).
The fairly plain insert unfolds into a flyer for both the
Arkham Origins and City ranges, both of which seem to have been reappearing at
retail lately – a clever touch.
Overall, I don’t dislike the packaging, but I think it’s a
little bland in colouring and will probably present storage problems for
MOCers, just because of the unusual shape.

I was never quite satisfied with the sculpts on the Asylum or City figures of Batman. Though mostly great, his head always looked just slightly too small for his body, giving a weird effect. In fact, the whole series was a real mix of fantastic (Harley Quinn) and ordinary (Poison Ivy), which I think may be why I never actually pulled the trigger on buying any of them.
This Batman resolves those issues, and presents us with one
of the best Batman toys I think I have yet come across. The sculpting is by
Gentle Giant studios, who I understand generally base their work from digital
scans of the character model.
I couldn’t say for certain whether it’s 100% screen
accurate, but it definitely looks right
– the armour plating is all there, the belt’s present and the head is the
correct size. The biggest issue that I noticed was that his left bat-ear
was slightly larger than his right one, and some of the spikes on his glove are
slightly warped. Fussier folk than I may choose to break out the customising
tools, but I’m happy to leave him be – I don’t really notice unless I’m looking
for it.
The cape is really cool. It’s made out a soft rubber which
manages the delicate balancing act of being neither too stiff nor too soft. It
restricts his shoulder movement slightly, but not massively. My only real
concern is that it feels quite oily, and I’m hoping it doesn’t fall to pieces
As for his articulation, he features:
*ball-jointed neck
*swivel-hinge shoulders*swivel-hinge forearms
*ball-jointed wrists
*ab crunch
*swivel waist
*hinged hips
*swivel thighs
*double-hinged knees
*ball-jointed ankles

"This isn't what I had in mind when I was thinking about 'Predator Encounters'."
One of his ankles was at a bit of a funny angle in the box,
but I was able to twist it back into its correct shape easily enough – no
boiling required.
All of the joints work well and move smoothly – of all of my
“collector” figures, Batman is far and away the most mobile, particularly
compared to say, my NECA Predators. There are no complaints here, which is
possibly a first for one of my reviews!
In the comics Batman typically has a very plain colour
scheme – black (or blue) and grey. Accordingly, the figure reflects this, and
the accompanying paint job is pretty basic, though it doesn’t need to be any
more complex. The exposed half of his face is painted a flesh tone (slightly
darker for the lip) then given a black wash for stubble. Up close he just looks
kind of dirty, but it’s pretty effective from a distance – and it still works
either way. 
Batman comes with no accessories. I was hoping he’d come
with a batarang, but no such luck. Considering his hands are balled into fists,
ideally I think the best way to go would have been to would have liked some
interchangeable hands, a batarang and/or a weapon – along the lines of the old
SOTA Street Fighter II toys.
If the range goes for more than two waves, I won’t be
surprised if we end up with a variety of different Batmans – perhaps unmasked
as Bruce Wayne, Batman in a slightly different costume, or Batman incorporating
more accessories. But I hope that they avoid this, as there have already been
far too many Batman lines already that simply consist of variants of Batman.
Instead, I think it would be better to incorporate more
accessories into a base figure – interchangeable hands, maybe a head and some
accessories. It might cost a little more at retail, but I suspect that you’d
probably sell more figures too – rather than annoying fans by releasing a bunch
of largely unwanted variants.

"Rookie mistake, Jason."
Despite Batman being my favourite superhero from a very
young age, I’ve never really owned a good figure of him. I had an Animated Series Bruce Wayne-to-Batman
figure in the 1990s – which was okay – and a Batman Begins basic Batman when the movie was out – which was also
okay. But I’ve never really seen one that grabbed me and was within my budget
(I’m looking at you, Hot Toys DX 12 Dark Knight Rises Batman).
The lack of accessories is disappointing, but Arkham Origins
Batman is definitely one of my favourite figures that I’ve bought this year,
despite my disappointment with the game. The sculpt looks good, the
articulation is great and he looks good fighting Lava Planet Predator – I would
recommend him thoroughly to any Batman fan. He’s a great addition to the
Side note: At
this stage, the only other figure I’m planning to pick up is Deathstroke,
assuming he has similar articulation and a good paint job – he’s scheduled for
release in April. However, future waves beyond wave 2 may well hold more
characters that I’m interested in. The other figures look fine, but they’re
just not up my alley.

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