Theme: Monster Fighters
Pieces: 31
Build time: 5-10 minutes
Year: 2012
RRP: See below
The Background
In spite of my initial scepticism about the Monster Fighters theme when I first
encountered it in 2012, I have become quite a fan. Christmas 2013 saw my
parents (very) generously purchase for me Lord Vampyre’s Castle, which now
occupies pride of place on my bedroom floor. But I was lacking a ghost to haunt said
castle, and that had to be rectified. So I bought this set -- a polybag that containing a ghost, complete with Marley-esque chain, and a grandfather clock.
The Minifigure
When I was but a youth, I had a friend that I'm pretty sure owned this set, from Lego’s long-running Castle theme. The included ghost
minifigure was unlike any other I had ever seen. There were ghosts in the world
of Lego? Perhaps most amazingly, IT GLOWED IN THE DARK! 
And does he glow in the dark? You bet he does!
The Build
As might be expected, it didn’t take long to put this bad
boy together. I think it was around 5 minutes, while watching an episode of The Middle. The clock works well for the ominous Monster Fighters theme, but could be easily transplanted into your average Creator house. I’ve never really seen Lego do a set like this, and I thought it was really cool. It’s a bit of a shame that it seems to be restricted to this fairly limited release. For the time being, it sits in a tower of Lord Vampyre’s castle, chiming every hour and irritating the bat-creatures that hang from the building.

This set isn’t particularly hard to find, but it’s now
discontinued and getting expensive. I paid $18AUD, which seems about standard,
and was fortunate enough to find an Australian seller who didn’t charge me for
postage. International sellers may have it cheaper, but you’ll probably pay a
bomb for postage.
Still, it’s a fun little set and one of the cooler ways to
get hold of an individual Lego Ghost – on that basis it comes recommended. If
you can find it cheaper than I did, grab it!

"Dammit, ghost! I'm trying to sleep -- go and clank somewhere else!"
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